Board Members
& Board Application
Meet The Board
Millbrae Leos Club President
Joey Situ
Hello everyone, I'm Joey Situ, a Senior at Mills High School and the Middle College program at the College of San Mateo. I became a member of the Millbrae Leos Club during my Freshman year with the aspiration of making a meaningful impact in the city I've cherished my entire life. It's been extremely gratifying to contribute to our community through my role as a Leo. Beyond my passion for community service, I have a deep love for music, theater, and golf. I am so excited to serve as the President of the Millbrae Leos and to continue fostering growth in leadership, experience, opportunity, and service among the youth of our city!
Millbrae Leos Club Vice-President
Warren Shiu
Hi, my name is Warren Shiu, and I am a senior at Mills High School. I joined the Millbrae Leos Club as a freshman and have enjoyed volunteering and serving the community alongside other members. During my time as a Leo, I have learned to lead and made new connections with peers. Outside of the club, I play water polo, swim, and hang out with friends. I am looking forward to serving as the Vice President in my final year as a Leo and seeing this club grow even more!
Millbrae Leos Club Webmaster
Timothy Fong
Hi! My name is Timothy, a senior at Design Tech High School and the current Leos webmaster. The Leos club has helped me to be more engaged with the community, and has been a great opportunity to build leadership skills. Outside of the Leos club, I maintain my own school clubs, enjoy playing sports, playing guitar, and reading!
Millbrae Leos Co-Project Director
Matthew Li
Hey guys, I am Matthew Li and I am a senior attending Juniperro Serra High School. I joined the Millbrae Leos club because I wanted to have a better sense of leadership and wanted to give back to my hometown Millbrae. I am ecstatic to be this years projects director and help all the Leos at events to feel comfortable and welcomed. In my free time I enjoy fencing, driving, and fixing cars. I hope we have a great year!
Millbrae Leos Club Co Project Director
Kyle Venook
Hi, my name is Kyle Venook and I am a sophomore at Mills High School. I joined the Leos in 8th grade to volunteer for my community and develop my leadership skills. Outside of the Leos, I enjoy running, coding, and making video games. I am excited to serve the Leos as a Projects Director and can't wait to see what we do.
Millbrae Leos Club Budget Director
Chloe Lee
Hi, my name is Chloe and I am a senior at Mills High School. I joined the Leos Club during my freshman year, seeking more volunteer opportunities to give back to the community. Outside of the club, I enjoy playing basketball, playing the piano, and hanging out with my friends. I am looking forward to working with everyone and accomplishing another great service year!
Millbrae Leos Club Membership Director
Ethan Lau
Hi, I'm Ethan Lau, a senior at Mills High School. This will be my third consecutive year serving as the Membership Director of the Millbrae Leos Club, and during this time I have met many amazing students who dedicate themselves to helping the community. I first joined along my friends to be a positive difference maker for our city, and additionally I have gained many skills that are applicable to other environments directly from volunteering. Some of my other hobbies include running and playing soccer. I look forward to finish off my high school years by mentoring underclassmen, allowing them to also thrive and prosper as a Millbrae Leo.
Millbrae Leos Club Historian
Samantha Nguyen
Hi! My name is Samantha Nguyen and I am an incoming Sophomore at Mills High School. The Leos club has taught me a lot about team work and leadership skills! Besides my time spent with the club I enjoy playing saxophone as well as baking and journaling. I am so excited to work with the Leos once again this year and meet new people!
Millbrae Leos Club Internal Secretary
Anthony Friis
Hello, my name is Anthony Friis. I’m going to be the internal secretary for this service year. I’m a senior attending Burlingame High School. With my newly appointed position, I strive to have a major beneficial impact on our community. Outside of school, I find myself mostly playing basketball and video games.
Millbrae Leos Club External Secretary
Ashley Ma
Hi!! My name is Ashley and I'm a senior at Mills High School. I've been a part of the Leos club since my freshman year. I joined the club to be more involved in the community and expand my leadership skills. Outside of the club, I enjoy dance and playing violin. I hope to make the club better and meet new people this year!
Millbrae Leos Middle School Director
Nalie Capanoglu
Hello, my name is Naile Capanoglu and I'm an eighth-grade student at Taylor Middle School. Joining the Leos Club gave me the opportunity to gain leadership experience, become more involved in Millbrae, and interact with new people. In addition to the club, I like to read, make artwork, listen to music, and play the flute. I look forward to seeing the opportunities this year brings.
Millbrae Leos Club Alternate Director
Enrique Zhang
Hello! My name is Enrique and I will be this year’s alternate director. I’ll be attending Mills High School as a freshman and some of my hobbies include playing basketball, cooking, and hanging out with friends. I’ve been part of the club since 7th grade, and I’m excited to take on the role of alternate director for this upcoming year.
Leos Club Advisor/Past President
Ronald Wen
Hi everyone, my name is Ronald Wen. Although I am a senior at St Ignatius College Prep SF, I live in Millbrae. I joined the Millbrae Leos Club in 7th grade with a desire to become more involved in supporting my community. Outside of the Millbrae Leo's Club, I enjoy going to the gym and spending time with my friends and family. I am excited to help the Millbrae Leos as an Advisor/Past President this year and to help continue its exponential growth.
Leos Board application
How to apply
1. Download or make a copy of the application form to fill out.
2. Fill out the application and bring it to our meeting in May of 2024.
3. We will send a follow-up email with further questions.
4. Thank you for your interest!
Also send your application form to:
position Descriptions
The duty of the president is to perform a wide variety of duties that aid the smooth operation of the Millbrae Leos Club. Some of these duties include giving speeches, writing the meeting agendas, running the meetings, coordinating with lions and much much more.
The duty of the vice-president is to support the president and help oversee the Leos Club. Additionally, the Vice-President helps mitigate tasks to the other board members.
Projects Director
The duty of the project's director is to coordinate with Lions and public figures that request the aid of the Leos volunteers. The project's director will decide whether the Leos club can fulfill the needs of those requesting help. Additionally, they will be in charge of creating the event rosters (using the provided template) and present them at the general meetings.
Membership Director
The duty of the membership director is to keep organized records of the new Leos. This includes filing membership applications and making sure new members receive the merchandise & "getting to know you" forms. Additionally, the membership director will regularly update the master roster and give membership updates at the board meetings.
The duty of the Historian is to document the meetings and events. The historian is also required to go to at least 1 Leo event per month and take pictures that will be uploaded onto the Leo's website and/or Social Media. Additionally, they will update the Social Media Accounts regularly to maintain accuracy.
There are two secretaries - an Internal Secretary and an External Secretary. The Internal Secretary's job is to keep logs and notes on general and board meetings. The External Secretary is to interact with the rest of the Leo's 4C4 district; working between clubs and with the District Council.
The duty of the Webmaster, AKA the publicity/communications director, is to update the Millbrae Leo's Website with accurate information, resources, and updated photos.
Budget Director*
The duty of the budget director is to give financial updates (with the help of Lion Advisor Michael) during the board and general meetings. The budget director will also help suggest how much money should be spent on projects and activities.
Middle School Membership Director
The Middle School Director will recruit more middle school students to the club and will help to oversee their activities.
If there is an asterisk (*) near a role, it means this role will make you an officer. If elected into an officer role, you can only hold this position for one term. This helps make sure everyone gets a fair chance to take on different roles and encourages members to try out new things in our club.